Class ConfirmDialog
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class ConfirmDialog extends AppDialog
Creates a Confirmation Dialog similar to the Leave Guild dialog. This class offers convenient builder methods so you should usually not have to do any layouts manually.
Field Summary
Fields Modifier and Type Field Description public boolean
public Subject<Void, Void>
public final static int
public final static int
public final static int
public final static int
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description ConfirmDialog()
Method Summary
Modifier and Type Method Description void
onViewBound(View view)
final LinearLayout
Returns the root layout of this dialog. final MaterialButton
Returns the cancel button of this dialog. final LoadingButton
Returns the OK button of this dialog. final TextView
Returns the body of this dialog. final TextView
Returns the header of this dialog. ConfirmDialog
setTitle(CharSequence title)
Sets the title of this dialog ConfirmDialog
setDescription(CharSequence description)
Sets the description of this dialog ConfirmDialog
setOnOkListener(View.OnClickListener listener)
Sets the View.OnClickListener that will be called when the OK button is pressed (By default simply closes this dialog) ConfirmDialog
setOnCancelListener(View.OnClickListener listener)
Sets the View.OnClickListener that will be called when the cancel button is pressed (By default simply closes this dialog) ConfirmDialog
setIsDangerous(boolean isDangerous)
Indicates that this confirm dialog is for a dangerous action by making the OK button Red -
Methods inherited from class
dismiss, getAppActivity, getArgumentsOrDefault, getUnsubscribeSignal, hideKeyboard, hideKeyboard$default, isRecreated, onCreateDialog, onDestroyView, onPause, onResume, onStart, onViewBoundOrOnResume, onViewCreated, setOnClickAndDismissListener, show, show, showKeyboard
Methods inherited from class
dismissAllowingStateLoss, getDialog, getShowsDialog, getTheme, isCancelable, onAttach, onCancel, onCreate, onDetach, onDismiss, onGetLayoutInflater, onSaveInstanceState, onStop, onViewStateRestored, requireDialog, setCancelable, setShowsDialog, setStyle, setupDialog, showNow
Methods inherited from class
dump, equals, getActivity, getAllowEnterTransitionOverlap, getAllowReturnTransitionOverlap, getArguments, getChildFragmentManager, getContext, getDefaultViewModelProviderFactory, getEnterTransition, getExitTransition, getFragmentManager, getHost, getId, getLayoutInflater, getLifecycle, getLoaderManager, getParentFragment, getParentFragmentManager, getReenterTransition, getResources, getRetainInstance, getReturnTransition, getSavedStateRegistry, getSharedElementEnterTransition, getSharedElementReturnTransition, getString, getTag, getTargetFragment, getTargetRequestCode, getText, getUserVisibleHint, getView, getViewLifecycleOwner, getViewLifecycleOwnerLiveData, getViewModelStore, hasOptionsMenu, hashCode, instantiate, isAdded, isDetached, isHidden, isInLayout, isMenuVisible, isRemoving, isResumed, isStateSaved, isVisible, onActivityCreated, onActivityResult, onAttachFragment, onConfigurationChanged, onContextItemSelected, onCreateAnimation, onCreateAnimator, onCreateContextMenu, onCreateOptionsMenu, onCreateView, onDestroy, onDestroyOptionsMenu, onHiddenChanged, onInflate, onLowMemory, onMultiWindowModeChanged, onOptionsItemSelected, onOptionsMenuClosed, onPictureInPictureModeChanged, onPrepareOptionsMenu, onPrimaryNavigationFragmentChanged, onRequestPermissionsResult, postponeEnterTransition, registerForActivityResult, registerForContextMenu, requestPermissions, requireActivity, requireArguments, requireContext, requireFragmentManager, requireHost, requireParentFragment, requireView, setAllowEnterTransitionOverlap, setAllowReturnTransitionOverlap, setArguments, setEnterSharedElementCallback, setEnterTransition, setExitSharedElementCallback, setExitTransition, setHasOptionsMenu, setInitialSavedState, setMenuVisibility, setReenterTransition, setRetainInstance, setReturnTransition, setSharedElementEnterTransition, setSharedElementReturnTransition, setTargetFragment, setUserVisibleHint, shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale, startActivity, startActivityForResult, startIntentSenderForResult, startPostponedEnterTransition, toString, unregisterForContextMenu
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Method Detail
void onViewBound(View view)
final LinearLayout getRoot()
Returns the root layout of this dialog. Should only be called from within onClickHandlers or onViewBound as it will likely throw a NullPointerException in other cases
final MaterialButton getCancelButton()
Returns the cancel button of this dialog. Should only be called from within onClickHandlers or onViewBound as it will likely throw a NullPointerException in other cases
final LoadingButton getOKButton()
Returns the OK button of this dialog. Should only be called from within onClickHandlers or onViewBound as it will likely throw a NullPointerException in other cases
final TextView getBody()
Returns the body of this dialog. Should only be called from within onClickHandlers or onViewBound as it will likely throw a NullPointerException in other cases
final TextView getHeader()
Returns the header of this dialog. Should only be called from within onClickHandlers or onViewBound as it will likely throw a NullPointerException in other cases
ConfirmDialog setTitle(CharSequence title)
Sets the title of this dialog
- Parameters:
- The description
ConfirmDialog setDescription(CharSequence description)
Sets the description of this dialog
- Parameters:
- The description
ConfirmDialog setOnOkListener(View.OnClickListener listener)
Sets the View.OnClickListener that will be called when the OK button is pressed (By default simply closes this dialog)
- Parameters:
- The listener
ConfirmDialog setOnCancelListener(View.OnClickListener listener)
Sets the View.OnClickListener that will be called when the cancel button is pressed (By default simply closes this dialog)
- Parameters:
- The listener
ConfirmDialog setIsDangerous(boolean isDangerous)
Indicates that this confirm dialog is for a dangerous action by making the OK button Red
- Parameters:
- Whether this action is dangerous