
class RNMessage(message: Message, val author: RNUser, val mentions: List<RNUser>) : Message


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constructor(message: Message, author: RNUser, mentions: List<RNUser>)


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Creates a button with the given data

fun Message.addButton(label: String, style: ButtonStyle, onPress: (Message, FragmentActivity) -> Unit)

Adds a button component to the message.

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operator fun component1(): Long
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operator fun component10(): MutableList<User>
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operator fun component11(): MutableList<Long>
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operator fun component12(): MutableList<MessageAttachment>
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operator fun component13(): MutableList<MessageEmbed>
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operator fun component14(): MutableList<MessageReaction>
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operator fun component15(): String
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operator fun component16(): Boolean
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operator fun component17(): Long
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operator fun component18(): Int
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operator fun component19(): MessageActivity
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operator fun component2(): Long
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operator fun component20(): Application
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operator fun component21(): Long
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operator fun component22(): MessageReference
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operator fun component23(): Long
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operator fun component24(): MutableList<Sticker>
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operator fun component25(): MutableList<StickerPartial>
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operator fun component26(): Message
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operator fun component27(): Interaction
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operator fun component28(): Channel
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operator fun component29(): MutableList<Component>
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operator fun component3(): Long
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operator fun component30(): MessageCall
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operator fun component31(): Boolean
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operator fun component32(): RoleSubscriptionData
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operator fun component33(): Boolean
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operator fun component34(): MessageAllowedMentions
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operator fun component35(): Int
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operator fun component36(): Long
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operator fun component37(): Long
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operator fun component38(): MutableList<LocalAttachment>
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operator fun component39(): CaptchaHelper.CaptchaPayload
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operator fun component4(): User
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operator fun component5(): String
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operator fun component6(): UtcDateTime
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operator fun component7(): UtcDateTime
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operator fun component8(): Boolean
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operator fun component9(): Boolean
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fun copy(p0: Long, p1: Long, p2: Long, p3: User, p4: String, p5: UtcDateTime, p6: UtcDateTime, p7: Boolean, p8: Boolean, p9: MutableList<User>, p10: MutableList<Long>, p11: MutableList<MessageAttachment>, p12: MutableList<MessageEmbed>, p13: MutableList<MessageReaction>, p14: String, p15: Boolean, p16: Long, p17: Int, p18: MessageActivity, p19: Application, p20: Long, p21: MessageReference, p22: Long, p23: MutableList<Sticker>, p24: MutableList<StickerPartial>, p25: Message, p26: Interaction, p27: Channel, p28: MutableList<out Component>, p29: MessageCall, p30: Boolean, p31: RoleSubscriptionData, p32: Boolean, p33: MessageAllowedMentions, p34: Int, p35: Long, p36: Long, p37: MutableList<LocalAttachment>, p38: CaptchaHelper.CaptchaPayload): Message
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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fun getReactionsMap(): MutableMap<String, MessageReaction>
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fun hasFlag(p0: Long): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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fun merge(p0: Message): Message
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fun synthesizeApiMessage(): Message
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open override fun toString(): String


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val activity: MessageActivity
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val allowedMentions: MessageAllowedMentions
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val application: Application
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val attachments: MutableList<MessageAttachment>
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val author: User
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val call: MessageCall
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val captchaPayload: CaptchaHelper.CaptchaPayload
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val components: MutableList<Component>
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val editedTimestamp: UtcDateTime
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val embeds: MutableList<MessageEmbed>
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val flags: Long
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val id: Long
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val interaction: Interaction
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val localAttachments: MutableList<LocalAttachment>
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val messageReference: MessageReference
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val reactions: MutableList<MessageReaction>
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val referencedMessage: Message
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val roleSubscriptionData: RoleSubscriptionData
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val stickerItems: MutableList<StickerPartial>
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val stickers: MutableList<Sticker>
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val thread: Channel
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val timestamp: UtcDateTime
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val type: Int
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