- i() - function in com.discord.api.channel.Channel
- i() - function in com.discord.api.user.User
- ImageWrapper - class in com.aliucord.wrappers.embeds
- Wraps the obfuscated EmbedImage class to provide nice method names and require only one central update if method names change after an update
- ImageWrapper.Companion - class in com.aliucord.wrappers.embeds.ImageWrapper
- indexOfChild(android.view.View) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- indexOfChild(android.view.View) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- inflate(android.content.Context,int,android.view.ViewGroup) - function in android.view.View
- info(android.content.Context,java.lang.String) - function in com.aliucord.Logger
- Logs a Log.INFO message, and shows it to the user as a toast
- info(java.lang.String,java.lang.Throwable) - function in com.aliucord.Logger
- Logs a Log.INFO message and prints the stacktrace of the exception
- info(java.lang.String) - function in com.aliucord.Logger
- Logs a Log.INFO message and prints the stacktrace of the exception
- infoToast(java.lang.String) - function in com.aliucord.Logger
- Logs a Log.INFO message, and shows it to the user as a toast
- init(com.discord.app.AppActivity) - function in com.aliucord.Main
- Aliucord's init hook.
- initCause(java.lang.Throwable) - function in java.lang.Throwable
- InputDialog - class in com.aliucord.fragments
- Creates a Input Dialog similar to the Kick User dialog.
- InputDialog.onDialogShownListener - class in com.aliucord.fragments.InputDialog
- installedWithManager(java.lang.String) - function in com.aliucord.updater.ManagerBuild
- Whether this installation was patched with at least a specific version of manager
- instantiate(android.content.Context,java.lang.String) - function in androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
- instead(com.aliucord.api.PatcherAPI,java.lang.Class,com.aliucord.patcher.InsteadHookCallback) - function in com.aliucord.patcher.PatcherExtensionsKt
- Replaces a constructor of a class.
- instead(com.aliucord.api.PatcherAPI,java.lang.String,java.lang.Class,com.aliucord.patcher.InsteadHookCallback) - function in com.aliucord.patcher.PatcherExtensionsKt
- Replaces a method of a class.
- InsteadHook - class in com.aliucord.patcher
- Runs the specified callback instead of the hooked Member
- intercept(okhttp3.Interceptor.Chain) - function in com.aliucord.coreplugins.rn.RNHeadersInterceptor
- invalidate() - function in android.view.View
- invalidate(android.graphics.Rect) - function in android.view.View
- invalidate(android.graphics.Rect) - function in android.view.View
- invalidate(java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer) - function in android.view.View
- invalidateChild(android.view.View,android.graphics.Rect) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- invalidateChild(android.view.View,android.graphics.Rect) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- invalidateChildInParent(kotlin.Array,android.graphics.Rect) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- invalidateChildInParent(kotlin.IntArray,android.graphics.Rect) - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- invalidateDrawable(android.graphics.drawable.Drawable) - function in android.view.View
- invalidateDrawable(android.graphics.drawable.Drawable) - function in android.view.View
- invalidateDrawable(android.graphics.drawable.Drawable) - function in android.widget.ImageView
- invalidateDrawable(android.graphics.drawable.Drawable) - function in android.widget.TextView
- invalidateOutline() - function in android.view.View
- invalidateOutline() - function in android.view.View
- invoke(T) - function in com.aliucord.api.GatewayAPI.EventListener
- invoke(android.view.View) - function in com.discord.widgets.guilds.leave.WidgetLeaveGuildDialog$binding$2
- invoke(android.view.View) - function in com.discord.widgets.user.WidgetKickUser$binding$2
- invokeConstructorWithArgs(java.lang.Class,kotlin.Array) - function in com.aliucord.utils.ReflectUtils
- Attempts to find and invoke the constructor of class T matching the specified arguments
- invokeMethod(java.lang.Class,Object,java.lang.String,kotlin.Array) - function in com.aliucord.utils.ReflectUtils
- Attempts to find and invoke the method matching the specified arguments Please note that this does not cache the lookup result, so if you need to call this many times you should do it manually and cache the Method to improve performance drastically
- invokeMethod(Object,java.lang.String,kotlin.Array) - function in com.aliucord.utils.ReflectUtils
- Attempts to find and invoke the method matching the specified arguments Please note that this does not cache the lookup result, so if you need to call this many times you should do it manually and cache the Method to improve performance drastically
- IOUtils - class in com.aliucord.utils
- isAccessibilityFocused() - function in android.view.View
- isAccessibilityFocused() - function in android.view.View
- isAccessibilityHeading() - function in android.view.View
- isAccessibilityHeading() - function in android.view.View
- isActivated() - function in android.view.View
- isActivated() - function in android.view.View
- isAdded() - function in androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
- isAdded() - function in androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
- isAliucordOutdated() - function in com.aliucord.updater.Updater
- Determines whether Aliucord is outdated
- isAllCaps() - function in android.widget.TextView
- isAlwaysDrawnWithCacheEnabled() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- isAlwaysDrawnWithCacheEnabled() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- isAnimated() - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.GuildEmojiWrapper
- isAnimated(com.discord.api.emoji.GuildEmoji) - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.GuildEmojiWrapper.Companion
- isAnimationCacheEnabled() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- isAnimationCacheEnabled() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- isApplicationMessage() - function in com.discord.models.message.Message
- isAttachedToWindow() - function in android.view.View
- isAttachedToWindow() - function in android.view.View
- isAvailable() - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.GuildEmojiWrapper
- isAvailable(com.discord.api.emoji.GuildEmoji) - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.GuildEmojiWrapper.Companion
- isBaselineAligned() - function in android.widget.LinearLayout
- isBaselineAligned() - function in android.widget.LinearLayout
- isCancelable() - function in androidx.fragment.app.DialogFragment
- isCancelable() - function in androidx.fragment.app.DialogFragment
- isCheckable() - function in com.google.android.material.button.MaterialButton
- isCheckable() - function in com.google.android.material.card.MaterialCardView
- isChecked() - function in com.google.android.material.button.MaterialButton
- isChecked() - function in com.google.android.material.card.MaterialCardView
- isClickable() - function in android.view.View
- isClickable() - function in android.view.View
- isContextClickable() - function in android.view.View
- isContextClickable() - function in android.view.View
- isCrosspost() - function in com.discord.models.message.Message
- isCrossposted() - function in com.discord.models.message.Message
- isCursorVisible() - function in android.widget.TextView
- isDebuggable() - function in com.aliucord.Utils
- isDetached() - function in androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
- isDetached() - function in androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
- isDirty() - function in android.view.View
- isDirty() - function in android.view.View
- isDiscordOutdated() - function in com.aliucord.updater.Updater
- Determines whether the Base Discord is outdated
- isDM() - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.ChannelWrapper
- isDM(com.discord.api.channel.Channel) - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.ChannelWrapper.Companion
- isDragged() - function in com.google.android.material.card.MaterialCardView
- isDrawingCacheEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isDrawingCacheEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isDuplicateParentStateEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isDuplicateParentStateEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isElegantTextHeight() - function in android.widget.TextView
- isEmbeddedMessageType() - function in com.discord.models.message.Message
- isEmojiCompatEnabled() - function in androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatButton
- isEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isEphemeralMessage() - function in com.discord.models.message.Message
- isFailed() - function in com.discord.models.message.Message
- isFallbackLineSpacing() - function in android.widget.TextView
- isFocusable() - function in android.view.View
- isFocusable() - function in android.view.View
- isFocusableInTouchMode() - function in android.view.View
- isFocusableInTouchMode() - function in android.view.View
- isFocused() - function in android.view.View
- isFocused() - function in android.view.View
- isFocusedByDefault() - function in android.view.View
- isFocusedByDefault() - function in android.view.View
- isForceDarkAllowed() - function in android.view.View
- isForceDarkAllowed() - function in android.view.View
- isGuild() - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.ChannelWrapper
- isGuild(com.discord.api.channel.Channel) - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.ChannelWrapper.Companion
- isGuildTextyChannel(com.discord.api.channel.Channel) - function in com.aliucord.utils.ChannelUtils
- isHapticFeedbackEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isHapticFeedbackEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isHardwareAccelerated() - function in android.view.View
- isHardwareAccelerated() - function in android.view.View
- isHidden() - function in androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
- isHidden() - function in androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
- isHidden() - function in com.aliucord.coreplugins.ForwardedMessages
- Hides this core plugin from the plugins page.
- isHidden() - function in com.aliucord.entities.CorePlugin
- Hides this core plugin from the plugins page.
- isHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isHorizontallyScrollable() - function in android.widget.TextView
- isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isHovered() - function in android.view.View
- isHovered() - function in android.view.View
- isImportantForAccessibility() - function in android.view.View
- isImportantForAccessibility() - function in android.view.View
- isImportantForAutofill() - function in android.view.View
- isImportantForAutofill() - function in android.view.View
- isImportantForContentCapture() - function in android.view.View
- isImportantForContentCapture() - function in android.view.View
- isInEditMode() - function in android.view.View
- isInEditMode() - function in android.view.View
- isInLayout() - function in android.view.View
- isInLayout() - function in android.view.View
- isInLayout() - function in androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
- isInLayout() - function in androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
- isInline() - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.embeds.FieldWrapper
- isInline(com.discord.api.message.embed.EmbedField) - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.embeds.FieldWrapper.Companion
- isInputMethodTarget() - function in android.widget.TextView
- isInteraction() - function in com.discord.models.message.Message
- isInTouchMode() - function in android.view.View
- isInTouchMode() - function in android.view.View
- isKeyboardNavigationCluster() - function in android.view.View
- isKeyboardNavigationCluster() - function in android.view.View
- isLaidOut() - function in android.view.View
- isLaidOut() - function in android.view.View
- isLayoutDirectionResolved() - function in android.view.View
- isLayoutDirectionResolved() - function in android.view.View
- isLayoutRequested() - function in android.view.View
- isLayoutRequested() - function in android.view.View
- isLayoutSuppressed() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- isLayoutSuppressed() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- isLoading() - function in com.discord.models.message.Message
- isLocal() - function in com.discord.models.message.Message
- isLocalApplicationCommand() - function in com.discord.models.message.Message
- isLongClickable() - function in android.view.View
- isLongClickable() - function in android.view.View
- isManaged() - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.GuildEmojiWrapper
- isManaged(com.discord.api.emoji.GuildEmoji) - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.GuildEmojiWrapper.Companion
- isMeasureWithLargestChildEnabled() - function in android.widget.LinearLayout
- isMeasureWithLargestChildEnabled() - function in android.widget.LinearLayout
- isMenuVisible() - function in androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
- isMenuVisible() - function in androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
- isMotionEventSplittingEnabled() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- isMotionEventSplittingEnabled() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- isNestedScrollingEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isNestedScrollingEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isNsfw() - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.ChannelWrapper
- isNsfw(com.discord.api.channel.Channel) - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.ChannelWrapper.Companion
- isNsfw() - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.GuildWrapper
- isNsfw(com.discord.api.guild.Guild) - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.GuildWrapper.Companion
- isOpaque() - function in android.view.View
- isOpaque() - function in android.view.View
- isOpaque() - function in android.widget.ImageView
- isOutdated(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) - function in com.aliucord.updater.Updater
- Compares two SemVer-style versions to determine whether a component is outdated
- isPaddingRelative() - function in android.view.View
- isPaddingRelative() - function in android.view.View
- isPending() - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.GuildMemberWrapper
- isPending(com.discord.api.guildmember.GuildMember) - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.GuildMemberWrapper.Companion
- isPivotSet() - function in android.view.View
- isPivotSet() - function in android.view.View
- isPluginEnabled(com.aliucord.entities.Plugin) - function in com.aliucord.PluginManager
- Checks whether a plugin is enabled
- isPluginEnabled(java.lang.String) - function in com.aliucord.PluginManager
- Checks whether a plugin is enabled
- isPressed() - function in android.view.View
- isPressed() - function in android.view.View
- isRecreated() - function in com.discord.app.AppDialog
- isRecreated() - function in com.discord.app.AppDialog
- isRecreated() - function in com.discord.app.AppFragment
- isRecreated() - function in com.discord.app.AppFragment
- isRecyclable() - function in androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.ViewHolder
- isRemoving() - function in androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
- isRemoving() - function in androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
- isRequired() - function in com.aliucord.coreplugins.ForwardedMessages
- Whether this core plugin cannot be disabled at all.
- isRequired() - function in com.aliucord.coreplugins.NoTrack
- Whether this core plugin cannot be disabled at all.
- isRequired() - function in com.aliucord.entities.CorePlugin
- Whether this core plugin cannot be disabled at all.
- isResumed() - function in androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
- isResumed() - function in androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
- isSaveEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isSaveEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isSaveFromParentEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isSaveFromParentEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isScreenReaderFocusable() - function in android.view.View
- isScreenReaderFocusable() - function in android.view.View
- isScrollbarFadingEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isScrollbarFadingEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isScrollContainer() - function in android.view.View
- isScrollContainer() - function in android.view.View
- isSelected() - function in android.view.View
- isSelected() - function in android.view.View
- isShowingLayoutBounds() - function in android.view.View
- isShowingLayoutBounds() - function in android.view.View
- isShown() - function in android.view.View
- isShown() - function in android.view.View
- isSingleLine() - function in android.widget.TextView
- isSoundEffectsEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isSoundEffectsEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isSourceDeleted() - function in com.discord.models.message.Message
- isSpotifyListeningActivity() - function in com.discord.models.message.Message
- isStateSaved() - function in androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
- isStateSaved() - function in androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
- isSuggestionsEnabled() - function in android.widget.TextView
- isSystemMessage() - function in com.discord.models.message.Message
- isTemporarilyDetached() - function in android.view.View
- isTemporarilyDetached() - function in android.view.View
- isTextAlignmentResolved() - function in android.view.View
- isTextAlignmentResolved() - function in android.view.View
- isTextChannel(com.discord.api.channel.Channel) - function in com.aliucord.utils.ChannelUtils
- isTextDirectionResolved() - function in android.view.View
- isTextDirectionResolved() - function in android.view.View
- isTextSelectable() - function in android.widget.TextView
- isTransitionGroup() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- isTransitionGroup() - function in android.view.ViewGroup
- isUnavailable() - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.GuildWrapper
- isUnavailable(com.discord.api.guild.Guild) - function in com.aliucord.wrappers.GuildWrapper.Companion
- isUpdaterDisabled() - function in com.aliucord.updater.Updater
- Determines whether the updater is disabled
- isUrgent() - function in com.discord.models.message.Message
- isUserMessage() - function in com.discord.models.message.Message
- isVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isVerticalScrollBarEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isVerticalScrollBarEnabled() - function in android.view.View
- isVisible() - function in androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
- isVisible() - function in androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
- isVisibleToUserForAutofill(int) - function in android.view.View
- isVisibleToUserForAutofill(java.lang.Integer) - function in android.view.View
- isWebhook() - function in com.discord.models.message.Message